Customer Intercept
Fresh off the oven data – be where the action is
What is an Intercept survey?
- Customer experiences are ‘moments of truth’ that shape the customer’s perceptions about a Brand and decide his brand loyalty.
- The Intercept survey is designed to measure recent customer experiences on a day to day level, such as for a Shopping Mall visitor it would be experience with the Parking, Security, Housekeeping, Store salesmen, etc.
- Provides a quick assessment of your customer’s satisfaction at a broad level.
How can it help your Brand?
- Presents an overall understanding of the customer’s experience with your service.
- Gauges whether or not internally defined service norms are being met by all units/departments.
- Aids actionability at a micro-level by identifying improvement areas for each unit/branch.
- Provides a framework to track performance on a continuous basis – as a pre-emptive measure.
- Can help assess competition strengths & weaknesses in the immediate vicinity.
The Framework
Survey design
- Exit interviews outside a Restaurant / Office branch / within a Shopping Mall
- No time gap, so recall is completely fresh
- Short questionnaire (5-10 mins max): better response rate, at the same time covering all critical aspects at a broad level
- In-depth diagnosis of any one particular area can be accommodated
- Consumer speak: reasons for dissatisfaction
Respondent mix
- Age
- Gender
- Family stage
- Product ownership/consumption
- Frequency of visit
- Any other important customer segments
Sample size
- 30 – 100 per entity
- Conducted at different times of the day, on different days of the week
- Monthly/Fortnightly/Weekly reporting